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Each candle is hand poured using 100% soy wax, environmentally friendly & safe fragrance oil and essential oil blends & cotton/paper core wicks, free of lead & zinc for a cleaner burn. Packaged in reusable glass tumblers and topped with individually handcrafted, locally sourced wooden lids that are meant to be repurposed as unique coasters when your candle is gone, our candles are a warm and sustainable addition to your household that will give you a piece of Burnsville, North Carolina you can treasure for years to come.

Burnsville Candle Company was established by Kem Muller who created her business to share her passion for candle making with her community and friends in Burnsville, NC. She also wanted to offer visitors to the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains a charming keepsake from her town. Come and explore Burnsville, and take a little piece of it home with you through the delightful candles of Burnsville Candle Company.

In creating BCCo candles, Kem is very mindful of the sustainability and eco-friendliness of her product and everything that goes into it...and ON it. The Lids. Each lid on every candle is handcrafted by Kem and partner, renowned local wood & metal artist, Mark Woodham of MW Studios. Together they give pieces of locally sourced recycled wood a new purpose as a unique candle lid and a one-of-a-kind coaster. 

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We are proud to partner with One Tree Planted in an effort to replace the wood we use to create our handcrafted lids with new, beautiful trees. For each lidded candle purchase from Burnsville Candle Company, $1.00 will be donated to this wonderful organization to aid in the reforestation of the Appalachia Region or where the need is greatest.

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As an environmental charity, they're on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees!


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